SOLO Road Trip To California

Posted on April 14, 2011 by Joyce Pellegrini

I believe I am the most spontaneous person I know. I was working at a company I did not care for and Monday they decided to close the Tampa office - now what…. Lesson No. 1 - watch what you speak it does come true….

Instead of getting upset I got a wild hair and decided I was going to hop on my 2004 Road King and ride to Texas, Vegas to see Nadine race, and then California to a Joel Bauer Passion 2 Profit seminar. PERFECT DIVINE TIMING…

It took me 2 days to get to Becky’s house in the Dallas, Texas area. Back then we did not have smart phones or GPS’s on bikes so I literally had to write down my routes on the back of the hotel business card so I could find my way!


My bike had a tour pack where I had my computer, atlas, purse, etc., saddle bags were loaded with road wear, and a huge 100 pound bag of clothes for a few weeks. Was able to hang with Bec and family for several days. Next stop - Bike week in Phoenix, AZ. I was working the bike show selling a line of biker wear who was also an author in my Motorcycle Diaries A - Z Book. We did 2 bike shows, using my designer abilities assisted in setting up the booth, sold bandanas, met many new friends and packed my bike up with inventory to take on the road. I was hitting all the HD Dealerships along the way selling the line.

Next stop 5 days later was Vegas baby… I was connected to Nadine LaJoy who is an International Ranked Motorcycle Racer and she wrote a Chaper in Motorcycle Diaries A - Z.

Nadine LaJoy - International Motorcycle Champion

Nadine LaJoy - International Motorcycle Champion

Nadine was following my posts, reached out, and invited me to Las Vegas to watch her qualify for Nationals. I booked my hotel and could not wait to finally meet her in person…what a rush that was!

I left Arizona late and rode through the dessert at dusk on my way and the sunset was amazing. OMG, no clue how lonely and dark that road would be until I finally began to see the twinkling lights of the Vegas strip. I prayed all the way across. I reached my hotel room at midnight, dumped my gear and met Nadine for too many Martinis, dueling pianos, and dancing til the wee hours of the AM…

You know the saying, “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas” LOL fun had by all what a blast! We became fast friends and hope to one day share the stage with her.

I do not know how she did her trials the next morning in that hot race gear in 100+ degree heat but she did it and qualified. We said our goodbyes and headed down the road to Woodland Hills, California for my Joel Bauer seminar.


I pulled into my hotel after midnight exhausted and a bit stressed. Riding in California is no joke especially when I had no idea where I was going but made it to a comfy bed that night and slept like a baby. When my Mentor, Joel Bauer, found out I rode my Harley to his event he asked me to bring it into the ballroom. There had to be over 500 participants at his event. I busted out laughing and told him he was crazy my bike leaks a little oil and you do not want to be responsible for that on the new carpet in the room. The event was great and met some amazing new friends and my journey to becoming a platform speaker began.

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My amigo, Jimmy Richards, hooked me up with a V-Rod forum buddy that was my tour guide while in LA for the week.  Now it was time to have some fun in Cali on 2-wheels.

Side bar - I ran into a family touring in an air stream final destination California. We talked at a gas stop in Texas never to be seen again… Well - I am rolling up to the classic scenic stop by the HOLLYWOOD sign and guess who pulls up the same Air Stream family. What are the chances of that happening - kismet! We took a few photos kids sat on bike and off I went.   Life is so amazing when we slow down and listen…

Meet Rose - Air Stream Traveler

Meet Rose - Air Stream Traveler

I packed up my bike and left California heading back to Texas to see Becky before I head home. I rode until dark and made it to Winslow, AZ.  I know it is not wise to drive on the highway after dusk but was energized and was going to push it as far as I could ride.  However, when I saw a fresh deer that had been hit by a semi on the side of the road that was my signal to get off my bike and hunker down for the night. The weather turned cold and windy, and a windstorm was rolling in.  I got off the next exit to the first hotel.  My hands were so cold I couldn’t get my gloves and helmet off and sat in the lobby to thaw out. I took a hot bath and soaked in epsom salt and the day of stress rolled off and had a great night’s sleep.  I was disappointed that I did not get to see the Grand Canyon nor touch the Winslow, AZ sign but made it to another destination safe and sound.



I made it to Texas the next day and chilled with Becky for two weeks working on a plan to launch my book.  I rode 7,500 miles by myself. This was a huge check off my bucket list and I have never stopped. 


There were many trials and tribulations on this journey and was guided by angels, dad and Perry above, RIP, and GOD who kept me safe along the way! Filled with gratitude I get to live a FULL THROTTLE LIFE!

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Interviewed on Daytime TV - Book Launch


Meeting Diva Amy